Catholic Metanarrative

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Wednesday Liturgy: Formula at Priest's Funeral

ROME, DEC. 13, 2005 ( Answered by Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University.

Q: Recently, at a funeral for a priest, a concelebrant read the prayer for the dead in Eucharistic Prayer II in this way: "Remember Joseph, whom you have called from this life. In baptism and holy orders he died with Christ; may he also share his resurrection." I have heard this said many times at priests' funerals or anniversaries of death, so I took it as a valid formula. However, one of the laity was offended by the formula, which to her seemed to equate baptism with ordination. Could you tell me whether the addition of "holy orders" in the prayer for the deceased priest is allowed during the Eucharistic Prayer? I was not able to find a separate book for priests' funerals to answer it on my own. I would certainly like to continue this tradition if possible, but not if it is incorrect to do so. -- K.H., Rochester, New York

A: There is, as far as I know, no special book for priest's funerals, although there are particular prayers for a deceased priest.

There are some marks of distinction. The coffin, for instance, is placed in the direction that a person held in the liturgical assembly. Thus, the body of an ordained minister lies facing the assembly and the body of a layperson lies facing the altar.

Where it is customary, the insignia of the minister's order may be placed on the coffin.

Apart from this, No. 832 of the Ceremonial of Bishops notes that "The funeral Mass is celebrated in the same way as other Masses. In Eucharistic Prayers II and III the intercessions (interpolations) for the deceased are added."

I do not consider that the addition of the phrase "in holy orders" to these interpolations is quite correct, and I believe that the layperson's objection touches on a valid point.

First, there is the general principle that nobody, not even a priest, may add or remove anything from the sacred liturgy, and this addition is not found in any official liturgical text.

During the funeral of Pope John Paul II the First Eucharistic Prayer's formula of intercession for the dead was faithfully followed except, as is usual in funerals, in substituting the deceased's name for the usual silent pause. To wit: "Remember; Lord, those who have died … especially the Roman Pontiff Pope John Paul, whom today you have called to you from this life …"

Second, although the reception of holy orders is a wonderful thing, and the soul receives an indelible sacramental seal, it is not quite true to say that N. has died with Christ in holy orders. The expression "in baptism he has died with Christ" is redolent of St. Paul's theology in which baptism is in itself a death to sin and a foretaste of the resurrection through the reception of a new life in Christ.

Including another sacrament in this phrase tends to obscure the scriptural and theological background and, I believe, weakens rather than enhances the depth of the interpolation.

Finally, if this addition were legitimate, then logically we would also have to include the other sacrament that leaves an indelible seal on the soul and say "in baptism, confirmation and holy orders he has died with Christ …"


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