Catholic Metanarrative

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wednesday Liturgy: Follow-up: Blessings Without a Stole

ROME, MAY 29, 2007 ( Answered by Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum university.

In line with our column on blessings without a stole (May 15), several readers have asked a similar question: "Is it proper for lay extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to give a 'blessing' to young children or people who cannot (or choose not to) receive the Eucharist?"

There are many ways of distinguishing kinds of blessings and sacramentals. One such distinction is between constituent and invocative sacramental.

The effect of a constituent sacramental is to transform the person or object being blessed in such a way that it is separated from profane use. Examples would include the blessing of an abbot and the blessing of holy water. Practically all of these blessings are reserved to an ordained minister and sometimes are the exclusive preserve of the bishop.

Invocative blessings call down God's blessing and protection upon a person or thing without sacralizing them in any way. Some of these blessings are reserved to the ordained, such as the blessing of the assembly at the end of a liturgical celebration.

Some blessings may also be imparted by lay people by delegation or by reason of some special liturgical ministry, above all when an ordained minister is absent or impeded (see general introduction to the Shorter Book of Blessings, No. 18). In these cases lay people use the appropriate formulas designated for lay ministers.

This latter situation is probably the case of the extraordinary ministers of holy Communion who ask that God's blessing may come upon those who for some good reason approach the altar but do not receive Communion.

Finally, some simple blessings may be given by lay people in virtue of their office, for example, parents on behalf of their children.


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